Jewelry Tool Kits

  • EnCapture Artisan Concrete™ Kits
    The EnCapture Artisan Concrete™ kits are ideal for creative unique, authentic jewelry pieces.
  • Polishing Kits
    Rotary polishing kits for various jewelry and metal polishing, finishing, and cleaning purposes.
  • Wire Wrapping Kits
    Kits that are especially designed for wire working and coiling.
  • Pliers & Cutting Kits
    Kits that feature sawblades, cutters, and pliers for jewelry making and repair purposes.
  • Beading Supply Kits
    Specialty beading kits for both professional jeweler's and hobbyists that include the appropriate tools for bead work.
  • Precious Metal Clay Tool Kits
    Browse kits that are designed for precious metal clay work.
  • Carving Sets
    Browse a variety of carving tool sets for waxes, woods, metals, and more.
  • Assorted Jeweler's Kits
    PMC Supplies offers carefully-curated tool kits for your jewelry making and metal forming needs.
  • Vintaj® Patina Kits
    Permanent opaque inks that are formulated to adhere to metals. The color combinations are very similar to natural patinas that occur over time.