Books & Guides

Offering a wide selection of Books and Guides for Refining and Assaying Precious Metals. In addition to our large selection of Refining guides we carry books on E-Waste Recovery, Gold and Silver Recovery, Jewelry Casting, Metalsmithing, Metallurgy and Jewelry Making.
  • Assaying
    Browse a selection of Assaying books, which is a refining process which involves a test in order to ascertain the fineness and weight of a specific precious metal.
  • Refining
    Our refining books consists of knowledge on the refining process, which involves the separation of impurities from precious metals, working towards bringing the materials to a pure state.
  • Metalsmithing
    Strengthen your skills with our selection of Metalsmithing books.
  • Metallurgy
    Browse our selection of Metallurgy books that cover the science and technology properties of metals and their production and purification.
  • Casting
    Browse helpful and instruction guides for a great reference during precious metal applications.